Burri me tri gra “pa frena”: Kur më mërzisin i dënoj duke mos kryer marrëdhënie për një muaj

Poligamia është një praktikë martesore e njohur, veçanërisht në botën arabe dhe në vende të caktuara të Afrikës Nën-Sahariane.

Por, ka edhe raste kur ndodhin edhe në vende perëndimore që kanë besim ortodoks. Rasti i Ivan Sukhov, i cili është rus dhe i besimit ortodoks, ka habitur botën.

Ivan ka tre gra dhe nëse ato e bezdisin i dënon duke u thënë se nuk do të kryejë marrëdhënie me to për një muaj rresht.

“Thërras një grua tek unë çdo natë. Por nëse ajo më zemëron, atëherë unë nuk fle me të për një muaj – thotë Ivan.

John shton se i pëlqejnë gratë e larta, të dobëta dhe të buta.

Ai dëshiron të ketë 50 fëmijë dhe thotë se shkon mirë me të gjitha gratë. Deri më tani ai ka 10 fëmijë

Njëra nga gratë punon si infermiere, kurse dy të tjerat janë pa punë.

Sigurisht që familja e madhe merr ndihma nga shteti rus dhe së shpejti, ata pritet të zhvendosen në një shtëpi të madhe në periferi.

Ivan dhe gratë e tij punojnë dhe Ivan pohon se kanë para të mjaftueshme për të gjithë familjen. Ata aktualisht jetojnë në një apartament me tre dhoma gjumi, dhe Ivan planifikon të blejë një shtëpi në periferi.

Pic shows: Ivan Sukhov and his wives (from left) Natalia, Anna, Madina.A Russian polygamist who currently has three wives and wants more says that he refuses to have sex with them for a month whenever they annoy him.Ivan Sukhov, 34, from the city of Vladimir in Russia’s western Vladimir Oblast region, dreams of having more wives and at least 50 kids.According to Russian law, he can only have one official wife. His other two wives live with him by mutual agreement.Before becoming a polygamist, Ivan lived with his legal wife Natalia Sukhova for 11 years.Then he felt a strong desire to be the head of a large family and wanted to have more wives and as many children as possible.Natalia, who works as a nurse in a local hospital, said: “I was against the idea at first. I could not imagine such a situation, but then I changed my mind because he really wanted to have a large family.”Ivan has nine children so far.Six of them are Natalia’s and three of them were delivered by his wife Anna, who is now pregnant with his 10th child.He said: “I want to have at least 50 children, but the more the better.”The family lives in a three-room flat, but Ivan is thinking of selling up to buy a big house in the suburbs.Ivan has a separate room and every evening he invites one of his wives to spend the night with him.Natalia said: “He invites us in a row.”According to Ivan, if he has a problem with one of his wives, he punishes her by not ‘putting out’.He said: “If one of my wives does something wrong, I will not invite her to bed for a month.”Reports said the wives live harmoniously together and are very friendly to each other.Recently, he accepted a woman named Madina to enter his family and become his third wife.Madina is a Muslim while Ivan is Russian Orthodox.She had to go against the wishes of her parents and religion to be with him.Madina said: “I saw him on TV and fell in love with him. I decided to be with him no matter what they said.”Ivan and his wives all have jobs and receive a salary. According to the polygamist, they have enough money to provide themselves and their children with a good standard of living.Ivan is ready to accept more wives into his growing family, but he has some requirements.He said: “I like tall, slim and affectionate women.”